Wednesday 25 April 2018

How to remove loneliness

How to remove loneliness

Do you ever feel lonely? If yes, then in the Holy Scriptures how can you fight it. But before knowing this, pay attention to some things related to loneliness.

What you need to know
Sometimes, everyone feels lonely. This includes those who are very famous. Why he Because the reason for feeling lonely at times is not because a person does not have a friend, but rather that he does not have true friends. People who are always surrounded by people, sometimes they do not have a true friend, so they can feel lonely themselves.

Loneliness can harm your health. The experts studied 148 people and found that those who are not very similar to others, die before their time. They also found that loneliness is more harmful than obesity on a person's health. And the loss of loneliness is equivalent to the loss caused by drinking 15 cigarettes in one day.

You can take wrong decisions because of loneliness. When you feel lonely, you sit in friendship with someone who wants to befriend you. The boy named Amit says that when you feel lonely, you want someone to pay attention to you. He tells you that you might start thinking that it is better not to be a single friend that anyone should be your friend and because of this you can get trapped in trouble.

Do not treat the phone or computer loneliness A girl named Nain says, "Even if I do not have to send 100 people to a message or e-mail in one day, I will feel very lonely even myself." A young boy named Tanmay feels the same way. . He says that "Message is like tea-snack, while talking face-to-face is like eating food. Tea-breakfast is very fun, but you get satisfaction only after eating it well. "
 what can you do

Think good about what happened. Suppose you see pictures of some of your friends on the internet, who are in a party, but they did not call you In such a situation, you can either reach the conclusion that they deliberately did not call you in the party or you can make a proper view of this. You do not know everything about what happened, rather than being disturbed by a bad thought, why not think that they must have had some reason to not call. Many times our situation is not ours but our viewpoint is the reason for loneliness.-Bible principle:

Do not hit the wrong result. When you feel lonely then perhaps you think, 'I never call anyone' or 'people are always cut off from me.' But thinking about such things will make you feel that you are also among your friends You are like a stranger, because of which you separate yourself from others. As a result, you go deeper into the team of loneliness. "- Bible principle:

Be prepared to be friends with those people who are older than you. In the scriptures, the friendship of two people, named David and Jonathan, is mentioned. When they met, David was a young man and Jonathan was 30 years older than him. Yet they were close friends of each other. You can also make friends with people who are older than you. Kirti, who is 21 years old, says, "I have now learned to appreciate these friends who are older than me. I have some very good friends who are many years older than me. Due to the experience of life, the way they deal with matters, and not being over-anxious, I have learned a lot. "- Bible Principle:

Think about the benefits of being alone. This happens to some people, that if they are alone for a moment, they start feeling lonely. But you should not feel like this. Consider the example of Jesus. He liked to meet people, but he liked to spend a few moments alone. So when you are alone, instead of being disappointed, why not think about your blessings at that time. If you do this, then perhaps you will be able to become such a person, so that everyone will want to be friends.-Proverbs

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