Sunday 1 April 2018

Drink this thing only 3 cups, the stomach fat will melt like a wax !

Drink this thing only 3 cups, the stomach fat will melt like a wax !

People who are troubled by obesity and are tired of wasting many uses and money to overcome obesity, then let us know that these experiments will prove to be a period for obesity. You must share your results with us. This simple experiment will show you your results in just a few days. And the big thing is that this recipe is quite easy. Because of the increased weight, if you feel that your personality is getting worse. Not only this, to hide your obesity, you have now started wearing loose clothes or supporting English medicines, then read this news first.

In today's era, if people are troubled with anything else, then it is the increase in weight and accumulation of fat in the stomach. Not only does it have difficulty in walking but many more diseases are born. Therefore it is also very important to eliminate the fat stomach. People give lakhs of rupees to the doctor to reduce stomach fat but there is no effect, but money is also wasted but people do not try to reduce the stomach fat by adopting some domestic methods. If you are too upset with the growing fat of your stomach, then read this post of the day till the end and follow the tips given. I guarantee you that your stomach fat will be reduced significantly within a month. For this, you will need some stuff and then you will have to make a juice. You must drink at least 2 glasses of empty juice every morning in this juice. Let's go about it ...

necessary ingredients :

Preparation Method:
To make this you will need these three things which you can easily get anywhere. So let's know how to prepare it. First take 2 cups of water and heat it on the gas and then make a small piece of small pieces of ginger with the help of a knife, then add this ginger to the hot water and heat it till the ginger is well Do not get in water. After this, filter ginger water and then add lemon juice and honey to it. This way your juice is ready.

How to use:
After preparing the juice, you drink it empty stomach every morning and exercise it along. By doing this for a few days, you will feel a lot of difference.

please keep in mind :
Do not snack while doing this experiment. Otherwise, the desired result will not be found. Eat lunch in the morning after drinking it directly. And eat a plate salad before eating. And use green vegetables in the food. And take dinner 2-3 hours before sleeping at night too. Soon after lunch and dinner, take a glass of hot water like half a lemon and drink tea. Do not drink cold water at all with food.

What to do and what to avoid:
Avoid the items made from the flour. Sweet and sugar are poisonous in obesity. The grains are also used to splash the garbage (which is removed by filtering the dough, it is chopped off, use it). Instead of drinking fruit juice, you should eat fruits and fibers are also available, and do not get hungry early.
Those who get quick results should definitely do some exercise together with it. Especially in the case of Weststanasan, Cranial Bhati, and if possible, running or jogging must be done.

You will get results in a month.
If you follow this measure of honesty, your stomach will go inside and your weight will also fall substantially.
All the measures have been taken to put the stomach inside, then now try these last remedies, this remedy is heavy on all remedies.

Nowadays, youth have become very cautious about their fitness. Everyone stays at the gym or yoga for keeping their fitness in mind. If you are troubled by the problem of your stomach, then we have brought some better yoga for you, which can reduce your stomach.

Trikonasan: To do this posture, first stretch the legs, in which to straighten out the legs. Now open your hands outside and slowly move your hands straight downwards towards the foot. Look downwards with a straight back. Keep your straight palm on the floor and move your reverse hand upwards. Repeat this process from the other side. It reduces the fat of hands and thighs.

2. Veer Bhadrasana: Taking one of your legs backwards, take the second leg forward in the direction of jumping, in which the knee should be in 90 degree posture and take the hands upwards to the top of the head. Excellent seat for belly and waist.

3. Surya Namaskar: Surya Namaskar is a better way, because it exercises almost every possible part of the body. It is also helpful in increasing the stamina of the skeletal system, removing stress, weight and anxiety.

4. Bridge Mudra: In this yoga you lie down on the back and spread your hands along. Now, kneeling knees, stretch them outwards. Raise the body upwards from the stomach part, with your hands supported, keep the posture for some time. This currency will work on your hips, thighs, stomach and back.

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