Monday, 30 April 2018

Acupuncture Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease

Acupuncture is based on long and thin needles which are penetrated into patients’ skin to stimulate certain points on the body. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are totally 720 acupuncture points and 402 of them can be used to treat illnesses in medicine. Among these acupuncture points, by stimulating some of them, kidney health can be improved. This is the reason why acupuncture can be used to treat Chronic Kidney Disease.

Kidney is an organ that servers us as a filter. When there is something goes wrong with kidney, renal ischemia and anoxia will appear. Both these two conditions can cause deterioration of illness condition. There are oxygen in blood, and when bloodstream in kidney is improved, kidney intrinsic cells are able to get enough nutrition and oxygen, which is helpful for injured kidney tissues to get recovery. Also, it is protective for residual kidney function. Therefore, acupuncture is an important adjuvant therapy in the treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease.

Chronic Kidney Disease is incurable at present, especially when it develops to advanced stage. With the deterioration of kidney function, patients always experience a group of discomforts like poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, skin itching and insomia and so on. Many oral medications can be used to alleviate these symptoms; however, long-term usage of these medicines will cause many side effects. To avoid these unnecessary side effects, acupuncture can be used as an alternative treatment. With acupuncture therapy, all these discomforts can be relieved successfully. More importantly, no side effects are caused. For this reason, acupuncture therapy is becoming increasing popular among Chronic Kidney Disease patients.

Lastly, what we need to mention is that there is no cure for Chronic Kidney Disease at present, and it also can not be cured by acupuncture. However, with the help of this treatment, kidney condition indeed can be improved, so if you are a patient of kidney disease, I am sure you will be benefited from this traditional Chinese medicine.


acupuncture for height increase.

 Acupuncture simply boosts up the body’s positive energies so that it can overcome symptoms of diseases or other conditions by stimulating various pressure points with the aid of hair thin needles. Since acupuncture stimulates the body, with an acupuncture expert can also stimulate the pituitary gland to secret more HGH into the body to trigger growth. There can never be an excess of HGH in the body since the body will naturally remove the excess HGH from the blood maintaining a perfect level. Once the HGH is in the body it needs to be guided to work ok bones and tissues making the person grow. The TCM theory relates bones to kidney with is in turn related to pituitary gonad axis. So to use acupuncture t increase height the experts can guide HGH to the bone via the TCM kidney. Alongside growing bones, acupuncture can also stimulate tissues and muscles associated with the bones to grow hence preventing spasm or muscle.
If you do not get results in three treatments, then all the money you give will be returned to you.

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Five Interesting Facts About Acupuncture

  1.  Five Interesting Facts About Acupuncture
  2. Acupuncture is thousands of years old
  3. Acupuncture needles weren’t always metal
  4. Acupuncture needles are tiny
  5. Acupuncture can help many conditions including depression and arthritis

Every acupuncture treatment is customized to individual needs
Millions of Americans use acupuncture every year. While this traditional Chinese medicine is highly popular, there are still some misconceptions about acupuncture. Here are five interesting acupuncture facts to help you understand this style of healing.

Acupuncture is Thousands of Years Old
The practice of acupuncture began in ancient China and has been recorded in history as long as 2,000 years ago. There are some, however, that believe the practice has been around almost twice as long.

Acupuncture Needles Weren’t Always Metal
While today’s acupuncture needles are made of stainless steel, originally, acupuncture needles were made from a variety of materials. Needles have been made from gold, silver, stone, bamboo and bone.

Acupuncture Needles are Tiny
Acupuncture needles are incredibly small. A regular sewing needle measures at 1.02 mm. Acupuncture needles, on the other hand, are only .25 mm in diameter. That’s smaller than two pieces of human hair! These small size needles help make acupuncture treatments virtually painless.

Many Conditions Can Be Treated By Acupuncture
The World Health Organization (WHO) endorses acupuncture as a treatment for over two dozen different medical conditions. Conditions in which WHO endorses acupuncture for include, but are not limited to:
Adverse reactions to chemotherapy
Rheumatoid arthritis
Sciatica pain, and more!

Every Acupuncture Treatment is Unique
No two acupuncture treatments are the same. Each person is unique, giving them unique acupuncture points that are selected for their acupuncture therapy. Even if two people sought acupuncture for the same condition, their acupuncture treatments would be very different
*बर्फ के ये 10 फायदे जानकर चौंक जाएंगे आप

*1-कड़वी दवाई खाने से पहले मुंह में बर्फ का टुकड़ा रख लें, दवाई कड़वी ही नहीं लगेगी।*
*2- यदि आपने बहुत ज्यादा खा लिया है और खाना पच नहीं रहा, तो थोड़ा-सा बर्फ का टुकड़ा खा ले। खाना शीघ्र पच जाएगा।*
*3- यदि आपके पास मेकअप का भी समय नहीं है या आपकी त्वचा ढीली पड़ती जा रही है तो एक बर्फ का छोटा-सा टुकड़ा लेकर उसे किसी कपड़े में (हो सके तो मखमल का) लपेट चेहरे पर लगाइए। इससे आपके चेहरे की त्वचा टाइट होगी और यह टुकड़ा आपकी त्वचा में ऐसा निखार ला देगा जो और कहीं नहीं मिलेगा।*
*4- प्लास्टिक में बर्फ का टुकड़ा लपेटकर सिर पर रखने से सिरदर्द में राहत मिलती है।*
*5- यदि आपको शरीर में कहीं पर भी चोट लग गई है और खून निकल रहा है तो उस जगह बर्फ मसलने से खून बहना बंद हो जाता है।*
*6- कांटा चुभने पर बर्फ लगाकर उस हिस्से को सुन्न कर ले, कांटा या फांस आसानी से निकल जाएगा और दर्द भी नहीं होगा।*
*7- अंदरुनी यानी गुम चोट लगने पर बर्फ लगाने से खून नहीं जमता व दर्द भी कम होता है।*
*8- नाक से खून आने पर बर्फ को कपड़े में लेकर नाक के ऊपर चारों और रखें, थोड़ी देर में खून निकलना बंद हो जाएगा।*
*9- धीरे-धीरे बर्फ का टुकड़ा चूसने से उल्टी बंद हो जाती है।*
*10- पैरों की एड़ियों में बहुत ज्यादा तीखा दर्द हो तो बर्फ की क्यूब मलने से आराम मिलेगा।

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Normal wants delivery? Keep these things in pregnancy, special care

Pregnancy is a way of becoming a mother from a woman, so that every woman has to go through. Although this 9-month period is very painful for every woman but after that she enjoys her motherhood. Delivery is a part of a stop. Every woman has to go through it.

Although some women want normal delivery instead of Caesarean section, due to some compulsion or physical impairment, normal delivery may not be possible many times. No such method has been discovered so far that it can be ascertained that the child will be from Caesarean or from normal delivery. If you also desire normal delivery, then we hope that the suggestions given below will work for you.

Meditation In Normal Delivery, two to three four hundred M.L. Turns blood. So eat more and more nutrients in the food for strength and nutrition. Iron and calcium are very much needed in pregnancy, so please include it as much as possible in your diet. When you give birth to a child, you have to suffer a lot and it is not easy. If you are weak and there is a lack of blood in you, then it will be very difficult for you. So keep a close eye on your health. So that you are least inconvenienced at that time

Maintain the amount of water in the body Hydrate
 For normal delivery and a good pregnancy, it is important that you maintain the amount of water in your body. In your uterus, the baby lives in an amniotic fluid filled with a fluid. By which the child gets energy. Therefore it is very important for you to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. So maintain this volume.

Stay away from stress in pregnancy
Stay away from stress, stress does not only increase your problems but also increases the complication in pregnancy. Most of it will affect you and your child's health. If you feel unnecessary stress, consult your doctor and try to find out the real reason behind this behavior.

Blood pressure can increase difficulties
During pregnancy the woman's blood pressure may increase the difficulty. Although it is Normal in many women, many women suffer from this because of this. Depression in blood pressure can have an impact on both mother and child. It also affects the growth rate of the fetus and the baby becomes less loaded. So the best is that mother should control high blood pressure with every possible effort. If blood pressure control medicines have been given, do not forget to take them

Do not increase your weight during delivery
 Women who are not overweight are very comfortable with their delivery. They have to go through less complication and less medical surgery or process. So try not to lose your weight during delivery.

Walking in pregnancy is very important
Many women are very lazy tendencies. While walking light or walking in pregnancy is very important. Try not to make much difference in your everyday life. Keep office and home work normally. Walking and walking will be good for you.

Yoga and Exercise 

 And exercise is also important during pregnancy. If you consume daily before you are pregnant, chances of getting normal delivery increase. Yoga is used to strengthen the muscles during pregnancy. If you want you can exercise at home too. But, as far as possible, do yoga only on the inspection of a Yoga Expert.
नॉर्मल डिलीवरी चाहती है ?, प्रेगनेंसी में इन बातों का रखे खास ख्‍याल.

प्रेग्नन्सी, औरत से मां बनने का एक पड़ाव है जिससे हर महिला को गुजरना पड़ता है। हालांकि यह 9 महीनों का समय हर महिला के लिए काफी कष्टदायी होता है लेकिन इसके बाद वो अपना मातृत्‍व को एंजॉय करती है। डिलीवरी इसी एक पड़ाव का हिस्‍सा होता है। जिससे हर महिला को होकर गुजरना पड़ता है।

हालांकि कुछ महिलाएं सीजेरियन सेक्शन के बजाय नॉर्मल डिलीवरी चाहती है लेकिन कुछ कॉम्‍पीलिकेशन या शारीरिक कमजोरी की वजह से कई बार नॉर्मल डिलीवरी सम्‍भव नहीं हो पाती है। अभी तक ऐसा कोई तरीका नहीं खोजा गया है जिससे ये पता चल सके कि बच्चा सीजेरियन से होगा या नॉर्मल डिलिवरी से। यदि आप भी नॉर्मल डिलिवरी की इच्छा रखती हैं तो हमें उम्मीद है कि नीचे दिए गए सुझाव आपके काम आएंगे।
भोजन पर दें 

ध्यान नार्मल डिलिवरी में आपके शरीर से दो से तीन चार सौ एम.एल. ब्लड जाता है। इसलिए ताकत और पोषण के लिए खाने में ज्‍यादा से ज्‍यादा पोषक तत्‍व खाएं। प्रेगनेंसी में आयरन और कैल्‍शियम की बहुत जरुरत पड़ती है इसलिए जितना भी हो सके अपने आहार में इसे जरुर शामिल करें। बच्‍चे को जन्‍म देते वक्‍त आपको बेहद पीड़ा सहनी होती है और यह आसान नहीं होता। अगर आप कमजोर हैं और आप में खून की कमी है तो आपके लिए यह काफी मुश्किल होगा। इसलिए अपने स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य का पूरा-पूरा ध्‍यान रखें। ताकि आपको उस वक्‍त कम से कम तकलीफ हो

शरीर में पानी की मात्रा को बरकरार रखें हाइड्रेड रहिए
 नॉर्मल डिलीवरी और एक अच्छी प्रेग्नेंसी के लिए जरूरी है कि आप अपने शरीर में पानी की मात्रा को बरकरार रखें। आपके गर्भाशय में शिशु एक तरल पदार्थ से भरी हुई झोली एमनियोटिक फ्लयूड में रहता है। जिससे बच्‍चे को ऊर्जा मिलती है। इसलिए आपके लिए रोजाना 8 से 10 गिलास पानी पीना बहुत जरुरी है। इसलिए इस मात्रा को बनाए रखें।

प्रेग्नन्सी में तनाव से दूर रहें 
तनाव से दूर रहें तनाव केवल आपकी परेशानी ही नहीं बढ़ाता बल्कि प्रेग्नन्सी में कॉम्पिलिकेशन को भी बढ़ाता है। इसका सबसे अधिक प्रभाव आपके व आपके बच्चे की सेहत पर पडेगा। यदि आपको बेवजह तनाव महसूस हो रहा है तो अपने डॉक्टर से परामर्श करें और इस व्यवहार के पीछे छुपे वास्तविक कारण को जानने की कोशिश करें।

ब्‍लड़ प्रेशर मुश्किलें बढ़ा सकता है
गर्भावस्‍था के दौरान महिला का ब्‍लड़ प्रेशर मुश्किलें बढ़ा सकता है। हालांकि कई महिलाओं में यह नॉमर्ल होता है लेकिन कई महिलाओं को इस वजह से काफी दिक्‍कत होती है। ब्‍लड़ प्रेशर में उतर - चढ़ाव की वजह से मां और बच्‍चे दोनों पर असर पड़ सकता है। यह गर्भस्थ शिशु की वृद्धि दर को भी प्रभावित करता है और शिशु कम भार वाला हो जाता है। इसलिये सबसे अच्छा यह है कि माँ हर सम्भव प्रयास से उच्च रक्तचाप को नियन्त्रित रखे। यदि रक्तचाप नियन्त्रण की दवायें दी गई हों तो उन्हें लेना न भूलें

डिलीवरी के दौरान आपका वजन न बढ़े
 जो महिलाएं ऑवरवेट नहीं होती है उनकी डिलीवरी बहुत ही आराम से होती है। उन्‍ह‍ें कम कॉम्‍पीलिकेशन और कम मेडिकल सर्जरी या प्रोसेस से गुजरना पड़ता है। इसलिए कोशिश करें की डिलीवरी के दौरान आपका वजन न बढ़े।

पैदल चलना और टहलना 
कई महिलाएं बहुत आलसी प्रवृति की होती हैं। जबकि प्रेग्नेंसी में हल्का हल्का चलना फिरना या पैदल चलना बहुत जरूरी होता है। कोशिश करें इससे आपकी रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी में ज्‍यादा फर्क न आए। दफ्तर और घर के काम सामान्‍य रूप से ही करती रहें। पैदल चलना और टहलना आपके लिए अच्‍छा रहेगा।

योग और व्यायाम योग
 योगऔर व्यायाम भी गर्भावस्था के दौरान जरूरी होते हैं। अगर आप प्रेगनेंट होने के पहले से ही रोजाना एक्‍ससाइज करती हैं, तो नार्मल डिलिवरी होने के चांस बढ़ जाते हैं। गर्भावस्था के दौरान मांसपेशियों को मजबूत करने के लिए योगा करें। अगर आप चाहें तो घर पर भी एक्सरसाइज कर सकती हैं। लेकिन जहां तक हो सकें कि किसी योगा एक्‍सपर्ट के निरीक्षण पर ही योग करें।

Friday, 27 April 2018

Why is the vaccine rotavirus necessary for newborns

Vomiting, diarrhea and flu in the newborn are the symptoms of rotavirus infection etc. If your newborn has diarrhea or has a fever or a flu, then it may be the symptoms of rotavirus.
In the United States a few years ago, severe symptoms of diarrhea were seen in children affected by Rotavirus. Because of this, thousands of infants were given Emergency facility. All these children were under 5 years of age.
In order to protect infants from this rotavirus infection, a vaccine named Rotashield was first created. However, this vaccine started causing problems in the small intestine of the baby.

Why the child needs rotavirus vaccination
Now two types of vaccines are available to prevent rotavirus infection, both of which are safe for children. Due to this virus, the baby is diagnosed with severe diarrhea and vomiting. In some cases it is possible for dehydration and death in the baby. By keeping in mind the hygiene you can save your baby from this infection. The virus spreads through humans and the only way to prevent the baby from protecting it is vaccination.

How much damage can adults get from this virus?
These viruses also affect adolescence. However, compared to children and infants, these viruses in the youth are slightly benign.
What is the difference between rotorx and rottech vaccine?
There is only one difference between these two vaccines and they are the availability of the present latex element in them. Rottech vaccine has latex, whereas latex is not present in rotorics. If the baby is allergic to the latex, then in such condition, it is given a roterx vaccine.

Rotavirus vaccination in India
Rotavirus vaccine is given in the mouth of the infant while other types of vaccines are planted in the veins.
A dose of 2 months baby
4-month-old baby dose
 6-month-old baby dose
This is the normal dose of giving rotatake vaccine to the baby. If the baby is being given a Rotary vaccine, then a dose of 2 months is given to one infant and one dose of more than 4 month old infant.

Keep these things
Before you give the rotavirus vaccine to the infant and children, you need to take some precautions - this vaccine is not given to children under 6 weeks and more than 8 months old.
The correct age of taking this vaccine starts from 2 months.
If your child is getting allergic to the vaccine, then contact the doctor immediately.

Avoid doing this
These viruses spread in infants when exposed to humans, newborn babies should be especially careful. Wash your hands properly after changing baby diapers. In infant care centers and hospitals this virus is very large and can spread from one infant to another. Apart from this, this virus can spread in dirt or in a bigger child than a child. However, this virus is less effective in adolescence but still it can spread to other children.
 Both rotatech and roterics are completely safe and they have no harmful effects.
Using Trigger Point Acupuncture For Muscle Tightness

Find relief
Use trigger point acupuncture
Suffering from muscle tightness can make the little things you enjoy every day suddenly less pleasurable. Going for a run or even shopping can begin to cause soreness if your muscles are tight. Instead of living with pain and discomfort, you should start looking into methods to help relieve the pain.

Find the Right Method
There are a multitude of pain relief methods available to you. While pain medicine and physical therapy are often the first methods people turn to, these may not be the best solutions when you want long-term relief. Using trigger point acupuncture for muscle tightness is an effective and safe way to loosen up those muscles and keep you nimble well into the future.

Why You Should Be Using Trigger Point Acupuncture For Muscle Tightness
Acupuncture has been around for several thousands of years and works to rebalance the energy in your body. By placing tiny needles in specific acupuncture points throughout your body endorphins are released, causing you to feel more relaxed and therefore, lessen any pain you may be experiencing. Endorphins are your body’s natural pain relievers and will keep you feeling at ease long after receiving treatment. Since stress may also be a factor, using trigger point acupuncture for muscle tightness will help soothe your entire body. Be aware, it may take a few sessions for your body to feel the full effects of relief.

Find Relief From Muscle Tightness Today With Sparsh Acupuncture!
Sparsh Acupuncture will develop a customized treatment plan to help relieve your discomfort from muscle tightness. Being both an acupuncturist and licensed physician, Dr.  combines the best of both worlds to help his patients find true relief and comfort. 

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

How to remove loneliness

Do you ever feel lonely? If yes, then in the Holy Scriptures how can you fight it. But before knowing this, pay attention to some things related to loneliness.

What you need to know
Sometimes, everyone feels lonely. This includes those who are very famous. Why he Because the reason for feeling lonely at times is not because a person does not have a friend, but rather that he does not have true friends. People who are always surrounded by people, sometimes they do not have a true friend, so they can feel lonely themselves.

Loneliness can harm your health. The experts studied 148 people and found that those who are not very similar to others, die before their time. They also found that loneliness is more harmful than obesity on a person's health. And the loss of loneliness is equivalent to the loss caused by drinking 15 cigarettes in one day.

You can take wrong decisions because of loneliness. When you feel lonely, you sit in friendship with someone who wants to befriend you. The boy named Amit says that when you feel lonely, you want someone to pay attention to you. He tells you that you might start thinking that it is better not to be a single friend that anyone should be your friend and because of this you can get trapped in trouble.

Do not treat the phone or computer loneliness A girl named Nain says, "Even if I do not have to send 100 people to a message or e-mail in one day, I will feel very lonely even myself." A young boy named Tanmay feels the same way. . He says that "Message is like tea-snack, while talking face-to-face is like eating food. Tea-breakfast is very fun, but you get satisfaction only after eating it well. "
 what can you do

Think good about what happened. Suppose you see pictures of some of your friends on the internet, who are in a party, but they did not call you In such a situation, you can either reach the conclusion that they deliberately did not call you in the party or you can make a proper view of this. You do not know everything about what happened, rather than being disturbed by a bad thought, why not think that they must have had some reason to not call. Many times our situation is not ours but our viewpoint is the reason for loneliness.-Bible principle:

Do not hit the wrong result. When you feel lonely then perhaps you think, 'I never call anyone' or 'people are always cut off from me.' But thinking about such things will make you feel that you are also among your friends You are like a stranger, because of which you separate yourself from others. As a result, you go deeper into the team of loneliness. "- Bible principle:

Be prepared to be friends with those people who are older than you. In the scriptures, the friendship of two people, named David and Jonathan, is mentioned. When they met, David was a young man and Jonathan was 30 years older than him. Yet they were close friends of each other. You can also make friends with people who are older than you. Kirti, who is 21 years old, says, "I have now learned to appreciate these friends who are older than me. I have some very good friends who are many years older than me. Due to the experience of life, the way they deal with matters, and not being over-anxious, I have learned a lot. "- Bible Principle:

Think about the benefits of being alone. This happens to some people, that if they are alone for a moment, they start feeling lonely. But you should not feel like this. Consider the example of Jesus. He liked to meet people, but he liked to spend a few moments alone. So when you are alone, instead of being disappointed, why not think about your blessings at that time. If you do this, then perhaps you will be able to become such a person, so that everyone will want to be friends.-Proverbs
नवजात शिशु के लिए क्‍यों जरूरी है रोटावायरस वैक्‍सीन 

नवजात शिशु में उल्‍टी, डायरिया और फ्लू आदि रोटावायरस संक्रमण के लक्षण हैं। अगर आपके नवजात शिशु को डायरिया हो गया है या उसे बुखार या फ्लू हो गया है तो ये रोटावायरस के लक्षण हो सकते हैं। 
संयुक्‍त राज्‍य में कुछ साल पहले रोटावायरस से प्रभावित बच्‍चों में डायरिया के गंभीर लक्षण देखे गए थे। इसकी वजह से हज़ारों शिशुओं को एमेरजेंसी सुविधा दी गई थी। ये सभी बच्‍चे 5 साल से कम उम्र के थे। 
इस रोटावायरस संक्रमण से शिशुओं को बचाने के लिए पहले रोटाशील्‍ड नामक वैक्‍सीन बनाई गई थी। हालांकि, इस वैक्‍सीन से शिशु की छोटी आंत में समस्‍या उत्‍पन्‍न होने लगी थी।

शिशु को रोटावायरस वैक्‍सीनेशन की क्‍यों है जरूरत 
अब रोटावायरस के संक्रमण से बचने के लिए दो तरह के वैक्‍सीन उपलब्‍ध हैं और ये दोनों ही बच्‍चों के लिए सुरक्षित हैं। इस वायरस की वजह से शिशु में गंभीर रूप से डायरिया और उल्‍टी की समस्‍या देखी जाती है। कुछ मामलों में शिशु में डिहाइड्रेशन और मृत्‍यु तक संभव है। साफ-सफाई का ध्‍यान रखकर आप अपने शिशु को इस संक्रमण से बचा सकते हैं। ये वायरस इंसानों से फैलता है और शिशु को इससे बचाने का एकमात्र उपाय है और वो है वैक्‍सीनेशन। 

वयस्कों को इस वायरस से कितना हो सकता है नुकसान?
ये वायरस किशोरावस्‍था में भी प्रभावित करता है। हालांकि, बच्‍चों और शिशुओं के मुकाबले युवाओं में होने वाला ये वायरस थोड़ा सौम्‍य होता है। 
रोटरिक्‍स और रोटाटेक वैक्‍सीन में क्‍या फर्क है? 
इन दोनों ही वैक्‍सीन में सिर्फ एक ही अंतर है और वो है इनमें मौजूद लैटेक्‍स तत्‍व की उपलब्‍धता। रोटाटेक वैक्‍सीन में लैटेक्‍स होता है जबकि रोटारिक्‍स में लैटेक्‍स मौजूद नहीं होता है। अगर शिशु को लैटेक्‍स से एलर्जी हो तो ऐसी स्थिति में उसे रोटारिक्‍स वैक्‍सीन दिया जाता है। 

भारत में रोटावायरस वैक्‍सीनेशन 
रोटावायरस वैक्‍सीन शिशु के मुंह में दिया जाता है जबकि दूसरे तरह के वैक्‍सीन नसों में लगाए जाते हैं। 
2 महीने के शिशु को एक डोज़ 
4 महीने के शिशु को एक डोज़
 6 महीने के शिशु को एक डोज़ 
शिशु को रोटाटेक वैक्‍सीन देने की ये सामान्‍य खुराक है। अगर शिशु को रोटारिक्‍स वैक्‍सीन दिया जा रहा है तो 2 महीने के शिशु को एक खुराक और 4 महीने से अधिक माह के शिशु को एक खुराक दी जाती है। 

इन बातों का रखें 
ध्‍यान शिशु और बच्‍चों को रोटावायरस वैक्‍सीन देने से पहले आपको कुछ सावधानियां बरतने की ज़रूरत है- 6 सप्‍ताह से कम और 8 महीने से ज्‍यादा उम्र के शिशु को ये वैक्‍सीन नहीं दिया जाता है। 
इस वैक्‍सीन को लेने की सही उम्र 2 महीने से शुरु होती है। 
अगर आपके शिशु को ये वैक्‍सीन लेने पर किसी तरह की एलर्जी हो रही है तो तुरंत डॉक्‍टर से संपर्क करें। 

ऐसा करने से बचें 
ये वायरस इंसानों के संपर्क में आने पर शिशु में फैलता है, नवजात शिशुओं का इसलिए खास ध्‍यान रखना चाहिए। बच्‍चे के डायपर बदलने के बाद अच्‍छी तरह से हाथ धो लें। शिशु देखभाल केंद्र और अस्‍पतालों में ये वायरस बहुत होता है और ये एक शिशु से दूसरे शिशु में भी फैल सकता है। इसके अलावा गंदगी में रहने या शिशु से किसी बड़े बच्‍चे में भी ये वायरस फैल सकता है। हालांकि, किशोरावस्‍था में इस वायरस का असर कम होता है लेकिन फिर भी ये दूसरों बच्‍चों में फैल सकता है।
 रोटाटेक और रोटारिक्‍स दोनों ही वायरस पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित हैं और इनका कोई हानिकारक प्रभाव भी नहीं है।

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

अकेलेपन को कैसे दूर करें

क्या आपको भी कभी अकेलापन महसूस होता है? अगर हाँ, तो पवित्र शास्त्र में बताया है कि आप इससे कैसे लड़ सकते हैं। लेकिन यह जानने से पहले अकेलेपन से जुड़ी कुछ बातों पर ध्यान दीजिए।

आपको क्या मालूम होना चाहिए

कभी-न-कभी हर किसी को अकेलापन महसूस होता है। इसमें वे लोग भी शामिल हैं, जो बहुत मशहूर होते हैं। वह क्यों? क्योंकि कई बार अकेलापन महसूस करने की वजह यह नहीं होती कि एक व्यक्‍ति के पास दोस्त नहीं है, बल्कि यह कि उसके पास सच्चे दोस्त नहीं होते। जो लोग हमेशा लोगों से घिरे रहते हैं, कई बार उनका कोई सच्चा दोस्त नहीं होता, इसलिए वे खुद को अकेला महसूस कर सकते हैं।

अकेलेपन से आपकी सेहत को नुकसान पहुँच सकता है। जानकारों ने 148 लोगों पर अध्ययन किया और पाया कि जो लोग दूसरों से ज़्यादा मिलते-जुलते नहीं हैं, उनकी वक्‍त से पहले मौत हो जाती है। उन्होंने यह भी पाया कि अकेलापन एक इंसान की सेहत पर मोटापे से होनेवाली बीमारियों से दुगना हानिकारक होता है। और अकेलेपन से होनेवाला नुकसान एक दिन में 15 सिगरेट पीने से होनेवाले नुकसान के बराबर है।

अकेलेपन की वजह से आप गलत फैसले ले सकते हैं। अकेला महसूस करने पर आप ऐसे किसी से भी व्यक्‍ति से दोस्ती कर बैठते हैं, जो आपसे दोस्ती करना चाहता है। अमित नाम का लड़का कहता है कि जब आप खुद को अकेला महसूस करते हैं, तो आप चाहते हैं कि कोई तो आपकी तरफ ध्यान दे। वह बताता है कि आप शायद यह सोचने लगें कि एक भी दोस्त न होने से अच्छा है कि कोई भी आपका दोस्त बन जाए और इस वजह से आप मुसीबत में फँस सकते हैं।

फोन या कंप्यूटर अकेलेपन का इलाज नहीं। नैना नाम की लड़की कहती है, “चाहे मैं एक दिन में 100 लोगों को भी मेसेज या ई-मेल क्यों न कर दूँ, तब भी मैं खुद को बहुत अकेला महसूस करूँगी।” तनमेय नाम का एक नौजवान लड़का भी ऐसा ही महसूस करता है। उसका कहना है कि “मेसेज करना चाय-नाश्ते की तरह है, जबकि आमने-सामने बात करना खाना खाने की तरह है। चाय-नाश्ता बहुत मज़ेदार होता है, लेकिन अच्छी तरह खाना खाने पर ही आपको संतुष्टि मिलती है।”

 आप क्या कर सकते हैं

जो हुआ, उसके बारे में अच्छा ही सोचिए। मान लीजिए आप इंटरनेट पर अपने कुछ दोस्तों की तसवीरें देखते हैं, जो एक पार्टी में हैं, लेकिन उन्होंने आपको नहीं बुलाया। ऐसे में आप या तो इस नतीजे पर पहुँच सकते हैं कि उन्होंने जान-बूझकर आपको पार्टी में नहीं बुलाया या फिर आप इस बारे में सही नज़रिया बना सकते हैं। जो हुआ, उस बारे में आप हर बात नहीं जानते हैं, तो बुरा सोचकर परेशान होने के बजाय, क्यों न आप यह सोचें कि आपको न बुलाने की उनके पास ज़रूर कोई वजह रही होगी। कई बार हमारे हालात नहीं, बल्कि हमारा नज़रिया अकेलेपन की वजह होती है।—बाइबल सिद्धांत: 

गलत नतीजे पर मत पहुँचिए। जब आप अकेला महसूस करते हैं, तो शायद आप सोचें, ‘मुझे कभी-भी कोई नहीं बुलाता’ या ‘लोग हमेशा मुझसे कटे-कटे रहते हैं।’ लेकिन इस तरह की बातें सोचने से आपको लगेगा कि आप अपने दोस्तों के बीच भी एक अजनबी की तरह हैं, जिस वजह से आप खुद को दूसरों से अलग कर लेते हैं। नतीजा, आप अकेलेपन के दल-दल में और भी ज़्यादा धसते जाते हैं।”—बाइबल सिद्धांत: 

उन लोगों से दोस्ती करने के लिए तैयार रहिए, जो उम्र में आपसे बड़े हैं। पवित्र शास्त्र में दाविद और योनातन नाम के दो लोगों की दोस्ती के बारे में बताया गया है। जब उनकी मुलाकात हुई, तब दाविद एक नौजवान था और योनातन उससे उम्र में 30 साल बड़ा था। फिर भी वे एक दूसरे के पक्के दोस्त थे। आप भी ऐसे लोगों के साथ दोस्ती कर सकते हैं, जो आपसे उम्र में बड़े हैं। कीर्ति, जो 21 साल की है, कहती है, “मैंने अब जाकर ऐसे दोस्तों की कदर करना सीखा है, जो मुझसे उम्र में बड़े हैं। मेरे कुछ बहुत अच्छे दोस्त हैं, जो मुझसे कई साल बड़े हैं। ज़िंदगी का तजुरबा होने की वजह से वे जिस तरह मामलों से निपटते हैं, और हद-से-ज़्यादा परेशान नहीं होते, इससे मैंने बहुत कुछ सीखा है।”—बाइबल सिद्धांत: 

अकेले होने के फायदों के बारे में सोचिए। कुछ लोगों के साथ ऐसा होता है, कि अगर वे एक पल के लिए भी अकेले हो जाएँ, तो वे अकेलापन महसूस करने लगते हैं। लेकिन आपको ऐसा महसूस नहीं करना चाहिए। ज़रा यीशु के उदाहरण पर गौर कीजिए। उसे लोगों से मिलना-जुलना अच्छा लगता था, लेकिन उसे अकेले में कुछ पल बिताना भी पसंद था। तो जब आप अकेले हों, तो निराश होने के बजाय, क्यों न आप उस वक्‍त अपनी आशीषों के बारे में सोचें। अगर आप ऐसा करेंगे, तो शायद आप एक ऐसे इंसान बन पाएँगे, जिससे हर कोई दोस्ती करना चाहेगा।—नीतिवचन 

Some Ways to Get Good Health

None of us wants to get sick. When we get sick, we have a lot of trouble, we have to bear the cost. We do not like anything good. Neither do we go to school, nor at work place. Far from earning money, we can not help the family Inverted, they have to take care of us. And-and-many, many times it takes lots of money to get treatment and to buy medicines.

It is said that it is better to get treatment than to take precaution, so that we are not sick. Suppose we can not escape from many diseases. But we can take a few steps that can reduce the risk of disease becoming less and in many cases we may not get sick. Let's take a look at five things that you can get in good health.

 1 Take care of cleanliness

Some things to keep your body and teeth clean
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare believes that "the best way to prevent illness and prevent it from spreading is to" wash your hands. There are germs on dirty hands and when we wipe the nose or eyes with dirty hands, diseases such as colds and flu spread easily. The best way to avoid such ailments is to wash your hands periodically. If we take good care of cleanliness, then we can avoid serious diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhea, which would kill about two million children under 5 years of age every year. Even by washing my hands, it can also be prevented by spreading the death like Ebola.

Keeping in mind the health of yourself and others, it is very important to wash hands on many occasions such as:

After going to the toilet

After diaper change or after taking the child to the toilet.

Before and after putting the injury on injury or injury.

Before and after meeting a sick person

Before cooking, serving and eating before

After sneezing, coughing and cleaning the nose.

After touching animals and their stools

After throwing garbage.

Do you think that you wash your hands well? Just look at this. Statistics show that after using official toilets many people do not clean their hands and if they do, then do not wash them well. So the question arises, how should you wash your hands?

Cover the hands and then apply soap.

Bring your hands together until they become foam, and do not forget to clean between your fingernails, thumb, behind the hands and fingers.

Do it for about 20 seconds.

Then wash hands with clean running water.

Clean hands with clean towels or tissue paper.

Perhaps these things may seem trivial, but considering them will lessen the diseases and many can survive.

 2 Use clean water

Clean glass of water and lemon
Many countries do not get clean water easily, so people have to make clean water for their family every day. But in countries where this problem is not there, it can be difficult to get clear water due to flood, typhoon, water pipe breaks or any other reason. If the water is not coming from clean place or kept in good condition, then it can cause worms in our stomach and we may have cholera, life-threatening diarrhea, typhoid, hepatitis and other diseases. Due to lack of clean drinking water, about 170 million people become victims of diarrhea every year.

We can take some steps that can improve our health and in many cases we may not have diseases for a long time.

Cholera is usually spread by water or food, which is contaminated by the stools of the person suffering from hese. You can take some of the steps you can take here to avoid diseases that spread through water or after floods or earthquakes.

Keep in mind that the drinking water and the water with which you clean your teeth, burns the snow, cleanses fruits and vegetables and utensils and makes the food, clean it, whether it is cleaned by the municipality Has been or is a bottle-free water of a good company.

If you think that the water coming from the municipality has become contaminated, then boil it before using the water and clean it by putting the medicine in it.

When you use chlorine or any other medication to clean water, put it in the correct amount.

If possible, buy a great variety of water filters.

Cover the water in a clean kitchen, so that it is not dirty.

Always use a clean kitchenware to remove water from a pot or a vessel.

Wash hands before taking water in the kitchen or taking water from it and do not put hands or fingers in drinking water.

 3 Pay attention to your diet

A variety of nutritious food
It is important for good health that you eat nutritious food. Keep in mind that salt, greasy and sweet are in the right quantity in your diet and you do not eat too much. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. When buying things like breads, cereals, noodles and rice, pay attention to the information given on their packets. Peeled grains are better than things made from flour for health. As far as eating protein is concerned, if you eat meat and fish, eat only a little bit of fat and if possible, eat fish twice or thrice a week. In many countries, there are also plenty of things in which there is protein for vegetarians.

Eating more sweet and soft food increases the risk of being fat. So instead of drinking syrup and cold-drink, drink water. Eat more fruits instead of some sweet food Do not eat things like meat, butter, cake, cheese and biscuits, which have lubrication. Instead of using things like butter, vegetable ghee, to make food, use such oil, which is beneficial for health.

By taking more salt in the food, blood pressure (blood pressure) can increase, which is harmful for the health. If your blood pressure is high, then when buying food items, look at the information given on the packet to see how much salt they have.

Whatever you eat affects your health, but how much you eat is also important. Enjoy the whole meal, but only eat as much as you are hungry.

If the food is not prepared properly or kept properly, then the health can be bad. In one magazine it was told that due to bad food, people get sick and many people die. You can take the following steps to avoid such a disease.

Where the vegetables have been grown, they may be fertilized there, so wash them well before cooking.

Wash your hands before cooking, on which you chop the vegetables, wash the dishes and utensils well with hot water and soap.

If raw egg or raw meat or fish was kept in a vessel, then after eating it, then keep eating it.

Cook the food well. If you do not eat things that are bad for you at the same time, keep them in the fridge immediately.

If the things to be worn out quickly are kept out of two hours, then throw them away. If the temperature is more than 32 degrees and the food is kept out of an hour, throw it away.

 4 Workout

Football and shoes
Regardless of your age, you should work every day to stay fit. Nowadays, many people do not exercise as much as they should. Why is exercise necessary? By exercising you will have these advantages:

You will get good sleep

You will not have any problem in moving.

Your flesh and muscles and bones will remain strong.

You will not be victim of obesity.

It is possible that you will not be a victim of disappointment.

It is possible that your age will be long.

By not exercising you may have these diseases:

Heart disease can occur.

Sugar disease (type 2 diabetes) can occur.

Blood pressure can increase.

Cholesterol may increase.

Can be stroke.

Depending on your age and well-being, it depends on what kind of exercise you should exercise. Therefore, before starting the exercise, you should consult your doctor about whether such exercises will be right for you or not. Many experts say that children and young people should exercise at least 60 minutes daily and the elders should work hard for at least 150 minutes every week or work well for 75 minutes.

To do the exercises, you can do something that you enjoy, such as playing basketball, tennis or football, cycling, gardening, cutting wood, swimming, boat running or any other such exercise. How can you find out that you are doing a light-hearted exercise or doing a good workout? If you are doing a puffy exercise, you will begin to sweat, but if you are doing well, it is very difficult to talk to someone along with exercising.

 5 Take a lot of sleep

Quiet and comfortable room
Everyone sleeps according to their need. Newly born children sleep 16 to 18 hours a day, children between 1 to 3 years sleep for 14 hours, and 3 to 4 year old children sleep 11 to 12 hours. Children going to school should sleep at least 10 hours, teenagers should sleep for 9 to 10 hours and elders should sleep for 7 to 8 hours.

Do not talk about resting lightly. Experts say that it is important to take good sleep because of this:

Children and young people have mental and physical development.

We learn new things and remember them.

The right balance of the hormones remains in the body, which has an effect on digestion and weight.

The risk of heart disease can be reduced.

We can survive many diseases.

It has been found that due to lack of sleep, obesity, depression, diabetes, heart disease and accidents have occurred. This makes it clear why it is so important to take good sleep.

If you do not sleep or sleep, then what can you do? Try some of the following methods.

Try to get up and sleep every time in a fixed time.

Try that wherever you sleep, there is peace and darkness, and the room is not too cold or too hot.

When you go to sleep, do not watch TV or use mobile and so on.

Make the bed comfortable.

Do not eat too much before sleeping, do not drink tea or coffee or wine.

If you do not sleep after applying these suggestions or you get sleepy or sleep during sleep, then show the doctor.

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