Acupuncture Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease
Acupuncture is based on long and thin needles which are penetrated into patients’ skin to stimulate certain points on the body. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are totally 720 acupuncture points and 402 of them can be used to treat illnesses in medicine. Among these acupuncture points, by stimulating some of them, kidney health can be improved. This is the reason why acupuncture can be used to treat Chronic Kidney Disease.
Kidney is an organ that servers us as a filter. When there is something goes wrong with kidney, renal ischemia and anoxia will appear. Both these two conditions can cause deterioration of illness condition. There are oxygen in blood, and when bloodstream in kidney is improved, kidney intrinsic cells are able to get enough nutrition and oxygen, which is helpful for injured kidney tissues to get recovery. Also, it is protective for residual kidney function. Therefore, acupuncture is an important adjuvant therapy in the treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease.
Chronic Kidney Disease is incurable at present, especially when it develops to advanced stage. With the deterioration of kidney function, patients always experience a group of discomforts like poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, skin itching and insomia and so on. Many oral medications can be used to alleviate these symptoms; however, long-term usage of these medicines will cause many side effects. To avoid these unnecessary side effects, acupuncture can be used as an alternative treatment. With acupuncture therapy, all these discomforts can be relieved successfully. More importantly, no side effects are caused. For this reason, acupuncture therapy is becoming increasing popular among Chronic Kidney Disease patients.
Lastly, what we need to mention is that there is no cure for Chronic Kidney Disease at present, and it also can not be cured by acupuncture. However, with the help of this treatment, kidney condition indeed can be improved, so if you are a patient of kidney disease, I am sure you will be benefited from this traditional Chinese medicine.