Thursday 10 May 2018

How To Live To 100 Years PLUS

How To Live To 100 Years PLUS

The name “Blue Zones” describes particular places around the world where people tend to live significantly longer and healthier lives.

Spanning very different cultures and environments from Greece to Japan to Costa Rica, the lives and communities of people living in these Blue Zones has been studied by National Geographic explorer Dan Buettner and the Blue Zones team.

They uncovered the following common lifestyle habits shared by the world’s longest lived people.

9 Ways to a Long and Healthy Life

1. Be active and move naturally, every day.

The world’s longest-lived people don’t pump iron, run marathons or join gyms. Instead, they live in environments that constantly nudge them into moving without thinking about it. They grow gardens and don’t have mechanical conveniences for house and yard work.

2. Know your purpose in life.

The Okinawans call it “Ikigai” and the Nicoyans call it “plan de vida;” for both it translates to “why I wake up in the morning.” Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy

3. Make time for rest and relaxation.

Even people in the Blue Zones experience stress. Stress leads to chronic inflammation, associated with every major age-related disease. What the world’s longest-lived people have that we don’t are routines to shed that stress. Okinawans take a few moments each day to remember their ancestors, Adventists pray, Ikarians take a nap and Sardinians do happy hour.

4. Don’t over-eat.

“Hara hachi bu” – the Okinawan, 2500-year old Confucian mantra said before meals reminds them to stop eating when their stomachs are 80 percent full. The 20% gap between not being hungry and feeling full could be the difference between losing weight or gaining it. People in the Blue Zones eat their smallest meal in the late afternoon or early evening and then they don’t eat any more the rest of the day.

5. Eat mostly plants.

Beans, including fava, black, soy and lentils, are the cornerstone of most centenarian diets. Meat—mostly pork—is eaten on average only five times per month. Serving sizes are 3-4 oz., about the size of deck or cards.

6. Enjoy wine in moderation.

People in all Blue Zones (except Adventists) drink alcohol moderately and regularly. Moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers. The trick is to drink 1-2 glasses per day (preferably Sardinian Cannonau wine), with friends and/or with food. And no, you can’t save up all weekend and have 14 drinks on Saturday. *If you don’t drink alcohol now, this doesn’t mean that you should start!

7. Practice your faith.

All but five of the 263 centenarians we interviewed belonged to some faith-based community. Denomination doesn’t seem to matter. Research shows that attending faith-based services four times per month will add 4-14 years of life expectancy.

8. Put your loved ones first.

Successful centenarians in the Blue Zones put their families first. This means keeping aging parents and grandparents nearby or in the home (It lowers disease and mortality rates of children in the home too.). They commit to a life partner (which can add up to 3 years of life expectancy) and invest in their children with time and love (They’ll be more likely to care for you when the time comes).

9. Belong to the right tribe.

The world’s longest lived people chose–or were born into–social circles that supported healthy behaviors, Okinawans created ”moais”–groups of five friends that committed to each other for life. Research from the Framingham Studies shows that smoking, obesity, happiness, and even loneliness are contagious. So the social networks of long-lived people have favorably shaped their health behaviors.

This list is reproduced from the Blue Zones Power 9®.

To add more years to your life, don’t forget to add more life to your years
What we love about this Blue Zones list is that it reflects the big picture of longevity. Our health is more than just diets and exercise programs, but also the many things we can do to create positive and healthy environments to share with our family and friends.

Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+

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