Thursday, 31 May 2018

Successful Treatment of a Resistance Trigeminal Neuralgia 
Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a neuropathic pain syndrome characterized by severe unilateral paroxysmal facial pain. Pain attacks are usually stimulated by tactile irritation within the region of the trigeminal nerve.1 TN pain typically remits and relapses, even when patients are on conventionally used treatments, resulting in a major source of disability and poor quality of life. Various drugs, such as carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, gabapentin and baclofen, have been used to treat TN.1 Additionally, several minimally invasive approaches, such as trigeminal nerve block at the level of the sphenopalatine ganglion, microvascular decompression, radiofrequency rhizotomy and botulinum toxin injection, have been performed for the relief of pain.1,2 However, none of these methods are free of complications. The most common adverse effects after minimal invasive approaches are paresthesia, facial sensory loss, weakness or paralysis of masseter muscles and, rarely, loss of the corneal reflex.3 Herein, we report a female patient with TN who was intractable to previous treatment with carbamazepine, trigeminal nerve block and radiofrequency rhizotomy and was treated successfully by acupunctur


Thursday, 24 May 2018

सुबह खाली पेट नीम की पत्तियों के सेवन के अद्भुत फायदेमंद गुण !

अगर आपके घर के सामने नीम का पेड़ है तो आप वाकई बहुत भाग्यशाली हैं। गर्मी में ठंडी हवा देने के साथ ही ये एक ऐसा पेड़ है जिसका हर हिस्सा किसी न किसी बीमारी के इलाज में कारगर है. इतना ही नहीं विभि‍न्न प्रकार के सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों के निर्माण में भी नीम को प्रमुख रूप से इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। नीम की पत्तियां लाइलाज बिमारी में भी दवा का काम करती हैं और लगातार इनका सेवन करने से शरीर को रोगों से लड़ने की शक्ति भी मिलती है। कुछ लोगों के शरीर का इम्युनिटी कम होने पर रोग उन्हें जकड लेते हैं। ऐसे में नीम की पत्तियां औषधि का काम करती हैं, यदि खाली पेट इनका सेवन किया जाये तो कई रोग दूर भाग जायेंगे।

यह अपने औषधीय गुणों की वजह से आयुर्वेदिक मेडिसिन में पिछले चार हजार सालों से भी ज्यादा समय से इस्तेमाल हो रहा है। नीम के अर्क में मधुमेह यानी डायबिटिज, बैक्टिरिया और वायरस से लड़ने के गुण पाए जाते हैं। नीम के तने, जड़, छाल और कच्चे फलों में शक्ति-वर्धक और मियादी रोगों से लड़ने का गुण भी पाया जाता है। इसकी छाल खासतौर पर मलेरिया और त्वचा संबंधी रोगों में बहुत उपयोगी होती है।

 इसके पत्तों में मौजूद बैक्टीरिया से लड़ने वाले गुण मुंहासे, छाले, खाज-खुजली, एक्जिमा वगैरह को दूर करने में मदद करते हैं। इसका अर्क मधुमेह, कैंसर, हृदयरोग, हर्पीस, एलर्जी, अल्सर, हिपेटाइटिस (पीलिया) वगैरह के इलाज में भी मदद करता है। नीम के बारे में उपलब्ध प्राचीन ग्रंथों में इसके फल, बीज, तेल, पत्तों, जड़ और छिलके में बीमारियों से लड़ने के कई फायदेमंद गुण बताए गए हैं। प्राचीन ग्रंथों ‘चरक संहिता’ और ‘सुश्रुत संहिता’ में इसके लाभकारी गुणों की चर्चा की गई है।

 “सर्व-रोग-निवारिणी” यानी ‘सभी बीमारियों की दवा।’ लाख दुखों की एक दवा!

नीम के बहुत-से अविश्वसनीय लाभ

यह कैंसर-कोशिकाओं को नष्ट कर देता है। हर किसी के शरीर में कैंसर वाली कोशिकाएं होती हैं, आप हर दिन नीम का सेवन करें तो ऐसा हो सकता है; इससे कैंसर वाली कोशिकाओं की तादाद एक सीमा के अंदर रहती है, 

रक्त धमनियों(आर्टरी) में कहीं कुछ जमना शुरु हो गया हो तो ये उसको साफ कर सकती है। 

मधुमेह(डायबिटीज) के रोगियों के लिए भी हर दिन नीम की एक छोटी-सी गोली खाना बहुत फायदेमंद होता है। यह उनके अंदर इंसुलिन पैदा होने की क्रिया में तेजी लाता है।

नीम की पत्ती खाने से पेट संबंधी रोग खत्म हो जाते हैं, साथ ही पेट साफ़ भी हो जाता है और आँतों से जुडी समस्याओं में फायदा पहुँचता है।

रक्त संबंधी विकार दूर होते हैं। ये पत्तियां शरीर को संक्रामक रोगों से भी बचाती हैं।

 नीम की पत्ती को पीसकर प्रभावित जगह पर लगाने से फायदा होगा. साथ ही इसके पानी से चेहरा साफ करने पर मुंहासे नहीं होते हैं।

त्वचा संबंधी परेशानियां दूर हो जाती हैं।

लोगों में कान बहने की भी बीमारी होती है, ऐसे लोगों के लिए भी नीम का तेल एक कारगर उपाय है।

शुगर लेवल को कण्ट्रोल करने में भी नीम की पत्तियों का सेवन औषधि की तरह काम करता है।

नीम एक बहुत अच्छा कंडीशनर है। इसकी पत्तियों को पानी में उबालकर उसके पानी से बाल धोने से रूसी और फंगस जैसी समस्याएं दूर हो जाती हैं।

नीम खाने से अतिरिक्त वसा भी दूर होने लगती है, ये उपाय वसा को गलाने का काम करता है। जिससे वजन को नियंत्रण में रखने में भी मदद मिलती है।

नीम की दातुन अपने आप में पर्याप्त होती है। नीम की दातुन पायरिया की रोकथाम में भी कारगर होती है। मसूढ़े बार-बार फूलें, ठंडा-गर्म लगे, सांस से बदबू आए तो नीम के पत्ते तोड़कर धोकर साफ कर खूब उबाल कर ठंडा कर सहन करने लायक पानी से कुल्ला करना फायदेमंद होता है।

 बुखार लग जाए तो इसकी छाल का काढ़ा बनाकर पीना लाभकारी होता है।

 अगर आप नीम का सेवन करते हैं, तो वह हानिकारक बैक्टीरिया को आपकी आंतों में ही नष्ट कर देता है।  नीम के कुछ पत्तों को पानी में डाल कर रात भर छोड़ दें और फिर सुबह उस पानी से नहा लें। आपके बदन पर के सारे बैक्टीरिया नष्ट हो जाएंगे।

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Treatment of Kidney failure

Kidney transplantation is very costly, and some people can not afford to apologize, and who can do it, after the kidney transplant does not have the same life as before.

Gokhru Kanta Method of making decoction
Take 250 gms of Buckle Thorn (you will get it with pansari) and boil it in 4 liters of water, when the water is one liter, keep the water in a bottle and throw the fork. Pour this remedies about 100 grams by humming the empty stomach lightly in the morning. An empty stomach in the evening means 5 to 6 hours after lunch. Take a few hours after drinking the decoction and eat your first medicine, keep the pan rotin undone.

If there is an unprecedented change in you within 15 days, please stop the medication with the advice of the doctor. As you can improve the amount of remedies you can reduce or even do it twice instead of twice.

Clean the dust, clay, and the skimmer with 250 grams of small yellow gram. Then dust it with water twice, then cook it on 4 liters of water in a low flame when one ltr is left, filter it in freeze in the glass bottle. Keep it and drink 100 ml of empty stomach in the morning .... Do not drink anything after 1-1 / 2 hours after drinking the stomach ... Avoid eating food with brew ... diet chart for Kidney patients also Has been given on Please eat the food according to the diet chart ... .the right advantage will be ... Gokuru Kadha is absolutely safe. There is no side effect on any side ... Please check once after 15 days. If you get benefit then please experience on this site. Also share, so that other people can also get the benefit ... they can also eat diabetes.

Buckle Thorn Medication Contact: 9212190780

Monday, 14 May 2018

 Natural Treatment of Kidney failure

किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट करवाना बहुत महंगा हैं, और कुछ लोग तो ये अफोर्ड नहीं कर सकते, और जो कर भी सकते हैं तो किडनी ट्रांसप्लांट के बाद पहले जैसा जीवन नहीं बन पाता 

Treatment of Kidney failure

Gokhru Kanta काढ़ा बनाने की विधि

250 ग्राम गोखरू कांटा (ये आपको पंसारी से मिल जायेगा) लेकर 4 लीटर पानी मे उबालिए जब पानी एक लीटर रह जाए तो पानी छानकर एक बोतल मे रख लीजिए और कांटा फेंक दीजिए। इस काढे को सुबह शाम खाली पेट हल्का सा गुनगुना करके 100 ग्राम के करीब पीजिए। शाम को खाली पेट का मतलब है दोपहर के भोजन के 5, 6 घंटे के बाद। काढ़ा पीने के एक घंटे के बाद ही कुछ खाइए और अपनी पहले की दवाई ख़ान पान का रोटिन पूर्ववत ही रखिए।

15 दिन के अंदर यदि आपके अंदर अभूतपूर्व परिवर्तन हो जाए तो डॉक्टर की सलाह लेकर दवा बंद कर दीजिए।जैसे जैसे आपके अंदर सुधार होगा काढे की मात्रा कम कर सकते है या दो बार की बजाए एक बार भी कर सकते है।

छोटे गोखुरू पीले रंग के 250 ग्राम को अच्छे से धूल,मिटटी,कंकर को साफ कर लीजिये फिर 2 बार उसे पानी से धूल लीजिये फिर 4 ltr पानी में धीमी आंच पर पकाये जब एक ltr रह जाये तो उसे छानकर कांच के बॉटल में फ्रीज़ में रख लीजिये और सुबह शाम 100 ml खाली पेट पीजिये….काढ़ा पीने के बाद 1-1/२ घण्टे तक कुछ भी खाना पीना नही है…काढ़ा पीने के साथ खान पान का परहेज जरूर करें…किडनी मरीज़ के लिए डाइट चार्ट भी इसी साईट पर दिया गया है कृपया डाइट चार्ट के अनुसार ही खान पान करें….तभी सही फायदा होगा…गोखुरू काढ़ा बिलकुल सेफ है इसमें किसी तरफ का साइड इफेक्ट नहीं है…15 दिन के बाद एक बार जाँच जरूर कराइये यदि आपको फायदा मिले तो कृपया इस साईट पर आपने अनुभव भी शेयर करें,ताकि दूसरे लोगो को भी इसका लाभ मिल सके…जिनका डाइलिसिस चल रहा है वेभी इसका सेवन कर सकते हैं

गोखरू काँटा औषिधि चाहिए संपर्क कर सकते हैं : 9212190780

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Learn how to keep your kidneys healthy and functioning properly

Kidney disease is called a silent killer. Learn how to keep your kidneys healthy and functioning properly.

Older man uses tablet as wife looks on, smiling
When it comes to kidney health, here’s some scary news: According to the National Kidney Foundation, one in three Americans are at risk of chronic kidney disease. What makes this statistic so worrisome is most people don’t know their kidneys aren't working correctly until their symptoms are so advanced they need dialysis or a kidney transplant. That is why kidney disease is called a “silent killer.”

“There is no doubt that kidney health is vital to a person’s overall well-being,” says urologist Ehud Gnessin, MD. “Making the right lifestyle choices to help prevent serious, life-threatening kidney problems is very important, and is especially true for people as they get older, when the risks of kidney problems and developing kidney stones increase.”

What are your kidneys and what do they do? The kidneys are two, bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist, located just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine.

In terms of your urinary system, the kidneys are a 24-hour powerhouse of activity. Every day, your two kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood to produce about one to two quarts of urine, composed of wastes and extra fluid.

To help keep your kidneys functioning at their optimal level, Dr. Gnessin offers these seven proactive rules to follow:

Drink up. “To dilute urine and keep kidneys clear of toxins in the body, drink two liters of fluid a day – about 32 ounces,” he says. “If someone has a history of kidney stones, we recommend drinking 2.5 liters – about 40 ounces – of water daily to reduce the risk of forming new stones. That’s because kidney stones are made of crystals that form together when their concentration is high. Drinking enough liquids dilutes the urine and prevents the aggregation of those crystals.”

Halt the salt: Shake the salt habit. Too much salt in your body makes your kidneys work extra hard to restore a balance of electrolytes and fluids. Consistently high salt levels damage your kidneys and impair long-term kidney function.
The recommended daily salt intake is 1500-2000 mg of sodium – about one teaspoon – per day. So stay away from hidden salt mines found in deli meats, movie popcorn, frozen meals, fast foods and processed foods.

Limit over-the-counter meds. NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) – like Ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, Celebrex, Voltaren, Motrin IB and higher-dose aspirin – don’t pose a serious danger if your kidneys are healthy and if they're used for emergencies only. However, consistent, daily use of NSAIDs can cause kidney damage. Dr. Gnessin recommends people take the recommended dose of an anti-inflammatory drug for only about five consecutive days. After that, it’s time to check with a medical professional about your malady.

Monitor your blood pressure and sugar levels. High blood pressure and diabetes are two of the top causes of kidney damage. Experts recommend that if you have diabetes and hypertension, your kidney function should be regularly checked. And if you are obese and have a family history of kidney disease, your kidney function should be checked routinely as well.

No smoking. Smoking can damage blood vessels and reduce the flow of blood to the kidneys, which prevents the kidneys from functioning properly. Smoking can also raise blood pressure and increase the risk of kidney cancer.

Exercise regularly. Staying physically fit helps keep your weight low and your blood pressure normal.

Eat a healthy diet. Fill your plate with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, chicken, fish, nuts and whole grains. A nutritious diet will also keep your blood pressure and sugar levels in check.

“To keep your kidneys healthy, you must keep your overall body healthy,” Dr. Gnessin says. “Making good lifestyle choices, like eating a healthy diet, exercising, watching your weight and staying hydrated, are steps in the right direction.”

Friday, 11 May 2018

High blood sugar in pregnancy could affect baby’s heart

Pregnant woman holding glucose meter and cake
Having high blood sugar in early pregnancy could put your baby at higher risk for heart defects, according to a new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics.

Having diabetes during pregnancy is a known risk for heart defects in newborns. But this study looked at the blood sugar levels of more than 19,000 pregnant women without diabetes. The researchers found women with higher blood glucose readings early in their pregnancies were more likely to have a baby with a heart defect. For every increase of 10 milligrams per deciliter in blood sugar levels, the risk increased by 8 percent.

Checking blood sugar early in pregnancy may help doctors screen for possible heart problems and lead to earlier treatment.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

How To Live To 100 Years PLUS

The name “Blue Zones” describes particular places around the world where people tend to live significantly longer and healthier lives.

Spanning very different cultures and environments from Greece to Japan to Costa Rica, the lives and communities of people living in these Blue Zones has been studied by National Geographic explorer Dan Buettner and the Blue Zones team.

They uncovered the following common lifestyle habits shared by the world’s longest lived people.

9 Ways to a Long and Healthy Life

1. Be active and move naturally, every day.

The world’s longest-lived people don’t pump iron, run marathons or join gyms. Instead, they live in environments that constantly nudge them into moving without thinking about it. They grow gardens and don’t have mechanical conveniences for house and yard work.

2. Know your purpose in life.

The Okinawans call it “Ikigai” and the Nicoyans call it “plan de vida;” for both it translates to “why I wake up in the morning.” Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy

3. Make time for rest and relaxation.

Even people in the Blue Zones experience stress. Stress leads to chronic inflammation, associated with every major age-related disease. What the world’s longest-lived people have that we don’t are routines to shed that stress. Okinawans take a few moments each day to remember their ancestors, Adventists pray, Ikarians take a nap and Sardinians do happy hour.

4. Don’t over-eat.

“Hara hachi bu” – the Okinawan, 2500-year old Confucian mantra said before meals reminds them to stop eating when their stomachs are 80 percent full. The 20% gap between not being hungry and feeling full could be the difference between losing weight or gaining it. People in the Blue Zones eat their smallest meal in the late afternoon or early evening and then they don’t eat any more the rest of the day.

5. Eat mostly plants.

Beans, including fava, black, soy and lentils, are the cornerstone of most centenarian diets. Meat—mostly pork—is eaten on average only five times per month. Serving sizes are 3-4 oz., about the size of deck or cards.

6. Enjoy wine in moderation.

People in all Blue Zones (except Adventists) drink alcohol moderately and regularly. Moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers. The trick is to drink 1-2 glasses per day (preferably Sardinian Cannonau wine), with friends and/or with food. And no, you can’t save up all weekend and have 14 drinks on Saturday. *If you don’t drink alcohol now, this doesn’t mean that you should start!

7. Practice your faith.

All but five of the 263 centenarians we interviewed belonged to some faith-based community. Denomination doesn’t seem to matter. Research shows that attending faith-based services four times per month will add 4-14 years of life expectancy.

8. Put your loved ones first.

Successful centenarians in the Blue Zones put their families first. This means keeping aging parents and grandparents nearby or in the home (It lowers disease and mortality rates of children in the home too.). They commit to a life partner (which can add up to 3 years of life expectancy) and invest in their children with time and love (They’ll be more likely to care for you when the time comes).

9. Belong to the right tribe.

The world’s longest lived people chose–or were born into–social circles that supported healthy behaviors, Okinawans created ”moais”–groups of five friends that committed to each other for life. Research from the Framingham Studies shows that smoking, obesity, happiness, and even loneliness are contagious. So the social networks of long-lived people have favorably shaped their health behaviors.

This list is reproduced from the Blue Zones Power 9®.

To add more years to your life, don’t forget to add more life to your years
What we love about this Blue Zones list is that it reflects the big picture of longevity. Our health is more than just diets and exercise programs, but also the many things we can do to create positive and healthy environments to share with our family and friends.

Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

How does ACUPUNCTURE help shoulder pain and frozen shoulder?

Almost two years ago a middle-aged man came to see me with severe frozen shoulder. He told me that he had suffered from this for 6 years. He previously had 5 cortisone injections and 2 operations, none of which solved the problem of his frozen shoulder.  After his fifth session of acupuncture, his shoulder pain had completely cleared. The result of the treatment is no surprise because we always find out the cause of the pain so that we can resolve it quickly.

1. What is Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a very common disease in the clinic and is mostly found in those over the age of 50 years.  It can, however, be found in all ages but is less common. This is why Chinese Medicine textbooks also refer to it as ‘Fifties Shoulder’.  Once you acquire frozen shoulder it not only affects work but also daily activities.

In the beginning Frozen Shoulder presents with mild pain in one shoulder around the joint which gradually worsens. The pain can be located on the front, top or back of the shoulder and can be worse during activities when using the arm.  When the pain gets worse it will affect the range of movement, including: lifting the arm forward, pulling the arm back, combing the hair, shaving and dressing.

2. Causes of Frozen Shoulder

Traditional Chinese Medicine considers the following reasons which are the main causes of frozen shoulder.

 Attack of External Pathogens (Wind & Cold)
In this cause, the shoulder is being attacked by the cold or wind of external pathogens. Such things like air-conditioning, fan or open window or no blanket whilst you sleep.  This leads to an invasion of cold causing stagnation in the channels around the shoulder and results in pain.  Usually this pain comes and goes depending on the climate.  It will be worse on a cold and windy day.

 Blood Stagnation Due to Injury
This type of Frozen Shoulder can be caused by a reduced flow in the circulation leading to stagnation of blood, such as from sports injuries, overuse of the shoulder or general injury.  The pain will be sharp, fixed and feel deep within the shoulder.  The pain may even occur while sleeping.

 Frozen Shoulder from lack of circulation in the Neck
The neck, shoulders and arms share a few channels and when there is a lack of circulation to the neck the problem will affect the circulation in the arms and shoulders causing shoulder pain and frozen shoulder.  This type of frozen shoulder may also be combined with finger tingling or numbness.

  Disorder of Internal Organ
Chinese Medicine considers that the channels and internal organs are strongly related.  Sometimes, when internal organs are weakened or in a state of dysfunction, the shoulders can be affected as a consequence.  These organs can include the Liver, Gall Bladder, Lungs and Small Intestine.

3. How does Chinese medicine treat shoulder pain and frozen shoulder?
First of all we will find out the cause of the pain by our Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis method, such as pulse, tongue, signs and symptoms.

Secondly, we will set up an appropriate principle of treatment, which is suitable and most effective to your cause – ie. acupuncture,  cupping, scrubbing or Chinese meridian massage.

4. Prevention of shoulder pain
 Avoid direct wind on your shoulder and neck while sleeping.  Cover your shoulder and neck, especially in the cold evening while sleeping. In cold or windy weather, protect your neck and shoulders with clothing such as a scarf.

 If you have an old injury to your neck or shoulder seek immediate treatment to resolve the injury.

 Avoid touching frozen or cold objects with your hands as this may affect the circulation to your neck and shoulders.

 Regular gentle exercise involving the shoulders and arms.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Acupuncture for Frozen shoulder

The shoulder is prone to injury due its structure and function.   As a ball and socket joint, there is more mobility, therefore more chance for injury.
Key structures around the shoulder include the biceps tendon, and the rotator cuff muscles (the Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis) which help to move and stabilize the shoulder.
Are you suffering from shoulder pain, but don’t want to have surgery or take drugs to ease the pain? You may have been told you need to get steroid shots or take other measures that only mask the discomfort, but there are natural shoulder pain treatments that can provide as good if not better relief. This is particularly true if you have what is referred to as “frozen shoulder syndrome.”

Understanding Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
Frozen shoulder syndrome usually presents with the following symptoms:
Pain in the shoulder worsens at night
Shoulder movement is restricted by pain, especially during rotation and adduction
Pain often persists for two years or longer, even after treatment has begun
Adduction of the shoulder is the movement of the arm toward the body’s midline. For example, if you hold you arm out straight out at the shoulder and bring it down to your side, this is an example of adduction. This sort of movement is painful for those who have frozen shoulder syndrome.

People who have Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, thyroid problems or cardiovascular disease are more likely to develop frozen shoulder syndrome than the average population. Those who have suffered from a stroke are also at higher risk, and as many as 40 percent of people diagnosed with diabetes will suffer from frozen shoulder syndrome at one point or another.

Acupuncture Treatment for Shoulder Pain

Acupuncture treatment focuses on reducing inflammation, improving blood flow and decreasing pain.  Acupuncture excels at treating the chronic, nagging type injuries that don’t respond well to conventional treatment.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin, pre-sterilized needles in various areas of the body to elicit a response.  Acupuncture stimulates the release of the opiods (pain killing chemicals) as well as adenosine- a natural pain killer with anti-inflammatory properties.
Unlike a cortisone injection, which is given directly in the injured area, acupuncture needles do not have to be placed in an already injured area. By using a style of acupunture that focuses on distal treatments (ie-away from painful areas), we can achieve results without causing any additional discomfort

Friday, 4 May 2018

Treating Back Pain With Acupuncture in DELHI (NCR)

At SPARSH ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC, our staff uses acupuncture for back pain with great success for our DELHI (NCR) patients. The popularity of this treatment has been on the rise due to several double-blind studies offering scientific evidence that acupuncture provides significant relief from back discomfort. During the procedure, thin needles are left to rest at certain points on the back and may also be used in combination with electrical stimulation. The measurable decrease in pain level, along with the absence of side effects, makes this treatment desirable for patients of all ages and those suffering from a variety of conditions.

Common Causes of Chronic & Acute Conditions
Upward of 80 percent of individuals seek back pain treatment at least once during their lifetime for a multitude of reasons. While some suffer with lower back pain from chronic conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis and skeletal irregularities, others have more acute conditions. Muscle strain, ligament injury and bulging or ruptured disks may cause immediate symptoms. Those who experience these injuries need prompt treatment to alleviate discomfort. As the human body ages, many experience intervertebral disc degeneration, which is a common condition where the cushioning discs between each vertebra begin to break down and cause pain. Many patients also seek acupuncture treatment for neck pain relief. Our clinic understands the interconnection between the structure of the back and neck, and we have experience treating issues in both areas.

Thursday, 3 May 2018


Treating back pain and sciatica with Acupuncture has proven to show great results. As a pain specialist, I see many patients with sciatica and low back pain; and the benefits with Acupuncture are phenomenal.  Whether it be chronic back pain that never seems to go away, or back pain from an injury, I can help.  When there is pressure on the sciatic nerve, it causes radiating pain that goes down the leg and follows specific acupuncture channels. The sciatic nerve runs from the low back down the leg.

During the initial consultation, we will establish details of your pain so that we can come up with the proper treatment plan. Everyone is different, and treatment plans depend on many variables. The initial consultation is very important for the treatment plan.

What does the treatment plan depend on?
How long you have had the pain-If their was a specific injury
The severity of pain; usually measured on a pain scale of 1-10
If the pain travels to other areas of the body
What resolves or makes the pain worse
What Acupuncture channels the pain is in
Which specific types of pain is felt; these will usually fall under “stabbing”, “cramping”, “dull”, “achy”, “cold”, “burning”, etc.

Just like mentioned above, the amount of Acupuncture treatments for sciatica and back pain will vary person to person. At the beginning of treatment, weekly or biweekly Acupuncture sessions are recommended. Once the pain is under control and minimized, the time between Acupuncture visits can be longer; stretching out to every 2,3, and 4 weeks. Then, maintenance or tune-up Acupuncture visits are highly recommended.

4 Things You Can Do Along With Acupuncture To Relieve Back Pain

There are plenty of stretches that will help relieve sciatica and back pain. One of my favorites is best to do a few times per day. While lying flat on your back on the ground with your legs straight, raise 1 leg at a time and bring towards the floor crossing over your other leg.

This is another modality that works amazing for any types of pain. I almost always use this during the Acupuncture session because it boosts the results of the Acupuncture treatment. The cups are used to relieve pain, increase blood and qi circulation, and remove toxins. Refer to the cupping section of my website here for more in depth information on this modality.

During the Acupuncture sessions, many different points are used on the body; mostly on the limbs. I will recommend a few of these points that I use to massage yourself at home. This is known as Acupressure.

Drinking enough water will help the process of healing as well. Staying hydrated helps nourish the tendons and muscles. I usually recommend to drink about half of your body weight in ounces per day. Make sure that the water is no colder than room temperature.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Acupuncture Clinic Specialist in Pain Relief

Do you need an acupuncture clinic in DELHI that can help you overcome a painful musculo-skeletal pain condition?
If so, you’re in the right place. SPARSH ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC in using acupuncture to provide fast relief from pain arising from muscle, joint and nerve problems.

Is acupuncture effective for pain relief?
Over the years we’ve achieved wonderful results using natural methods to help many of our patients overcome painful musculo-skeletal conditions. That’s not particularly surprising, since this form of complementary medicine has been doing exactly that for thousands of years.  If you have acute or chronic pain, acupuncture is certainly a fantastic choice and is available to you at SPARSH ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC.

Achieve relief for:

Back Pain or Sciatica
Neck & Shoulder Pain
Back related hamstring pain
Ankle Sprain & Ligament Damage
Muscle Aches & Pains
Disc protrusion
Sacroiliac / SI joint problems

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